Multiple Identities as Kaiako
We have many hats and reflecting on these is a good thing. Alicia mentioned the mentor and the life coach hat. These are not traditional roles for teachers but are becoming more important for akonga in navigating a pathway into adult hood. Other identities I think of are participant, coach, guide, community facilitator. It is good to consciously step into these identities and act responsively in these spaces.
Leading Purposefully Through Change
Complexity theory is the big take away for me from this that I want to learn more about. I got that it is about a system where the impacts of actions are not always clear or liner. To influence an aspect of a system the idea is to nudge in an indirect way and observe the changes if any. Or nudge in multiple areas. I think that keeping the vision or the purpose of the change in mind when deciding on your nudges is important.
Use of Physical Space
Modern Learning Environments are designed with specific use and purpose in mind. Conversation between the architects and the users of the spaces is a really good idea, and is often overlooked. Consultation during the design is even more desirable. The big question, inquiry question, is how does the use of space and innovations in the use of space drive towards the vision and purpose for learning and graduates?
Transitioning Between Time, Space, and Place
It can be easy for students to get lost physically, mentally, emotional, and spiritually, during transitions of space, place, and time. This is true for big transitions like to a new kura, and within the day to day time table of shifting between kaiako and learning topics/areas. Transitions to new ways of doing things and new innovations is another area. When developing these things it is good for those involved to have something familiar to hold on to as a touch stone or comfort zone anchor this can be a person, a place, or a system. People also get better at dealing with new transitions and innovations as the do it more and their resilience to deal change develops.
A Framework for Teaching Dispositions
A Framework or common language for the dispositions using nga manu and te reo. Adding stories/metaphors to the dispositions to make them more accessible and understandable. Linked dispositions with other framework models like VIA character strengths, and others, then added the bird for each one with the myth embodying the disposition eg, compassion - kiwi, taking one for the team and going to the forest floor. Talked about using focused and personalised dispositional teaching as a response to poor behaviour or restorative discussions.